Does Family Therapy Work Well With Emdr and Rebt Therapy


What Is EMDR?

Centre movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic mode originally developed to address stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms related to traumatic events and memories.

It is used to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and has been shown to exist effective in this area since its inception. In fact, depending on the level and complexity of trauma, EMDR is known to be effective in as little every bit ane session. It is important to note, however, that there is still some debate among scholars and clinicians in regards to the validity EMDR research and its effectiveness.

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The world of psychotherapy is filled with talk therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), motivational interviewing (MI), person-centered therapy, reality therapy, acceptance and delivery therapy (Human activity), and others. These all share the similarities of a having a dialogue between the therapist and the client, but EMDR differs from these. It involves active physical participation on behalf of the patient, namely the purposeful management of therapist-guided heart movements, in conjunction with therapist-patient dialogue.

EMDR believes that the problematic thoughts and behaviors occur because the traumatic life events were not appropriately candy when they occurred. This lack of processing leads to the events being stored as harmful memories that later disrupt cognitive, emotional, and social operation.

The goal of EMDR is to reprocess these undesirable memories and experiences. A therapeutic style like CBT would exist geared toward exposing the patient to the traumatic thoughts and feelings through imaginary scenes, or, mayhap, by re-confronting the traumatic situation (if possible). EMDR takes a different arroyo to working with these neurocognitive systems.

The idea backside EMDR is that reprocessing the memories allows them to be assimilated and accommodated in the brain. The act, called adaptive information processing, is at the cadre of the therapy. The middle movements are reported to aid in the way the information is accustomed into the brain's networks.

Video: EMDR

Credit: Michael Burns

Course of Treatment

EMDR has a specific, formulaic arroyo to treatment based on an 8-stage approach. The therapist volition lead the customer through each of the phases at a pace that is appropriate for the client's needs with some sessions accomplishing multiple phases and some phases requiring multiple sessions.

The 8 Phases of EMDR

Stage one: History and planning. In this phase, the therapist will gather information related to the need for treatment. Current symptoms, past issues, triggers, and unwanted behaviors will exist discussed to gain an understanding of the factors involved. An interesting facet of EMDR is that the information does not need to exist exhaustive or detailed. At this indicate, the events can be vague and general equally long every bit they yield targets for EMDR to address.

Phase ii: Preparation. Phase 1 may take a session or two, but phase 2 can take as many as four sessions. A major focus of this stage is building a trusting rapport between the client and the therapist. The human relationship is needed so the customer will have the comfort to express their feelings to the therapist later in treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes. Along with the trust building, the therapist volition talk over the fundamentals of EMDR, the class of treatment, and needed relaxation techniques to use when emotional experiences arise.

Stage 3: Assessment. This phase involves looking at the established targets from stage one. The client will develop a mental moving-picture show of that traumatic event, a negative statement from the event, and a positive argument that is the goal conventionalities. So, if the traumatic situation was a car accident, the picture might be broken glass in the car. The negative statement is "cars are dangerous." The positive statement is "cars are safe almost of the fourth dimension." Finally, in this phase, clients are asked to charge per unit how strongly they agree these beliefs and their physical and emotional reactions to these ideas.

Phase 4: Desensitization. This phase marks the onset of the reprocessing. Here, the client is asked to become aware of disturbing images, thoughts, feelings, and concrete sensations while the therapist utilizes stimulation in the grade of instructing the client to shift their heart movements by following the therapist'south hand (though sounds and physical borer can be used). The client reports the present elements in generalities, and the therapist continues to use the stimulation until the client reports lower ratings of distress.

Phase 5: Installation. At present that the negative image and statements are no longer provoking, the focus can plow towards the positive statement from stage 3. The new belief is given attention while the therapist continues to provide the stimulation in the form of the client's middle movements, tapping, or sounds. The phase ends when the client reports having a full conventionalities in the positive statement.

Phase six: Trunk scan. This phase checks the efficacy of the previous two phases past asking the client to notation whatsoever negative elements remaining from the target. If the target is unresolved, phase 4 will exist restarted to yield the desired results.

Stage 7: Closure. The goal of EMDR is leaving the client feeling improve than when she arrived. The therapist will lead the customer through some of the relaxations and calming exercises previously learned. Additionally, the therapist will provide information on what the customer may wait in betwixt sessions regarding the continued processing of targets.

Phase 8: Reevaluation. The final stage actually occurs at the starting time of the next session. The therapist checks in to ensure that the results noted from the body scan go along. When all targets have been addressed and reevaluation shows no disturbing issues remaining, treatment will cease.

The trauma-related use of EMDR can be applied to many situations including:

  • Sexual abuses similar rape and molestation.
  • Physical injuries stemming from a range of accidents or intentional violence.
  • Emotional abuse in the course of conflictual relationships.
  • State of war-related trauma and post-traumatic stress.

Information technology is important to remember that the traumatic events can be experienced directly or to someone close to y'all. If someone you dear was in a dangerous or life-threatening situation, you tin develop posttraumatic stress disorder, as well.

EMDR for Habit

When the model of handling was created in the late 1980s and early on 1990s, EMDR was used exclusively for trauma. How does this fit with addiction handling? Many people dealing with substance abuse, addiction, and dependence have problems related to trauma.

For some, past trauma is a contributor to addiction, as substance abuse tin exist a means of self-medication to block out or escape from the harmful memories.

For others, they have experienced trauma during their apply. For case, an addict may have been sexually assaulted while under the influence. In such example, the substance use is likely to continue unless the trauma feeding the addiction can be addressed.

Over the years, people accept worked to expand and change EMDR to care for other issues. I such example is chosen the feeling-land addiction protocol (FSAP). This therapy style is based on the foundations of the therapy only applied to issues related to addiction and compulsion. With EMDR, at that place is the focus on the negative experience that creates trauma. In FSAP, the focus is on the intense positive experiences associated with destructive, compulsive behaviors that create and maintain addiction. EMDR tries to replace the negatives with positives.

FSAP tries to:

  • Interruption the connection between the positive feeling and the destructive behavior.
  • Procedure the negative beliefs associated with the compulsion.

Fusce vitae

FSAP is believed to be effective in the treatment of:

  • Behavioral addictions including gambling, sex, addictive overeating, compulsive shopping, and shoplifting.
  • Substance utilise disorders including addictions to alcohol, legal drugs like tobacco, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs.
  • Anger.
  • Co-dependent and abusive relationships.


Reports land that over 100,000 EMDR therapists are bachelor effectually the world with bachelor databases to find ones near yous. Therapists are able to receive a certification in the therapy that signifies their ability to accurately utilize the skills.

To get help finding a programme that utilizes EMDR, call 1-888-744-0069 today.

Integrating EMDR

In the world of counseling for mental health concerns, EMDR stands out for its unique view of handling and the methods of improvement.

Information technology is used equally a standalone handling in many situations, only it tin can also be used in combination with other therapeutic interventions. For case, if a client has issues with depression, addiction, and trauma, the clinician may cull to begin treatment by using EMDR to address the trauma in hopes that reprocessing this data will reduce the other symptoms. If the symptoms practise not convalesce completely, the therapist may shift focus by bringing in other treatment options including:

  • CBT, which is used with good results for a range of symptoms related to depression and anxiety.
  • Motivational interviewing, which helps reduce ambivalence related addiction while fostering a greater sense of control in the client.
  • Medication management, which will help limit the symptoms of mental health disorders and reduce cravings associated with the addiction. Medication may non exist advisable during the phases of EMDR, though.

In the globe of counseling for mental health concerns, EMDR stands out for its unique view of treatment and the methods of improvement. It is not without its detractors, though, that merits the eye movement portion of EMDR is not essential. Regardless, information technology has a foundation of prove to support its office every bit a helpful method of therapy.


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