Review of the Secret Smile With David Tennent

Young man From Hell

If yous know any film fans of a certain historic period — and it's but ever women I've heard say this, so try asking your mom or your grandmother — you might take heard them talk nigh seeing Richard Widmark in the 1947 flick Buss of Death and how they could never, ever get past seeing the histrion forevermore after that as the psychopath he played at that place, particularly for the scene in which he kills a wheelchair-bound woman past pushing her down a flight of stairs.

Well, if you dear David "Md Who" Tennant and don't want to have to take a toothbrush to your brain to excise images of him equally a pitter-patter on orders of magnitude both deranged and criminal, then skip Secret Smile, the 2005 British Boob tube miniseries (it aired in the States on BBC America) now bachelor on Region 1 DVD. I bought a copy from the netherlands or somewhere a while back and accept seen it a couple of times now, and the brain-toothbrush gets a major workout every fourth dimension. Especially for one scene in which Tennant delivers a line of dialogue that is the spoken equivalent of pushing a defenseless crippled woman down a flight of stairs to her death. I'thou not gonna tell you what he says, of course — it's and so outrageous that you lot'll never see it coming and I wouldn't dream of spoiling it, only every time I run into it I still cannot believe he actually said that, at that detail moment and in that item context and with such malicious glee. If I weren't a adult female of sound enough mind to know the difference between an player and the character he'south playing (and alas that in that location are fans for whom this is something of a challenge), well… then I'd really need that toothbrush.

Tennant plays Brendan Block, pretty much the Worst Boyfriend Ever for 30-ish London architect Miranda Cotton (Kate Ashfield, from Shaun of the Dead). In the early days of their brusk relationship, he shifts and so smoothly from being weird and sinister to being ambrosial and mannerly — Tennant's genius really seems more than suited for villains than for heroes — that, similar Miranda, you're not fifty-fifty certain if you saw information technology. We're fooled, like she is. Before long enough, though, his true stalkerish colors are shining through, and she dumps him. With this he is not pleased, and embarks upon a plan to bring about heartbreak and ruin to not merely Miranda herself but all those she loves. Seriously, you lot won't believe how evil Brendan will get.

Based on a novel by Nicci French, Secret Smile is 1 of those awful cautionary tales for women that should appall me, as a feminist: Don't slumber with strangers, all yous slutty unmarried career girls, or you'll get in big big trouble! That's how Miranda meets Brendan: she picks him up at a party and takes him home and has a wild night with him, and she doesn't even ask his name till the next morning. The ho. Just information technology'due south then wonderfully, cheesily melodramatic, and Tennant is and so deliciously disgusting that I love it anyhow.

Not suitable for:

• kiddie fans of Doctor Who: they really don't need to see the Md doing the things he does here
• female Whovians of a delicate fan-fiction-writing nature who don't desire their fantasy of the Doctor as the perfect man shattered
• anyone like the poster at the IMDB who is upset over the "copious amount of boozing" featured here: plain major felonies that would earn you life in prison are fine equally long as yous don't have a glass of wine while committing them

David Tennant checklist:

• Scottish emphasis: yes
• large hair: no
• nudity: yes
• sex activity: yes
• really bad awful sex that you don't want to have to think about: ugh, yeah
• evil twitching: yes
• manic grinning: yes
• funky geeky T-shirts: yep

[role of my "summer of David Tennant and 'Hamlet'" series]


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